Where Research Meets the Market
We believe brands are alive. They live and evolve through the practices performed by organizations, individuals, and communities. To understand them, we need to explore the depths of their souls, investigate individual and collective identities, and trace the patterns of action and interaction that shape meanings across time and space. Our research examines how brands co-create value in markets through extended consumption journeys and collectives, adaptation and diffusion of practices, and innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystems.
Join our exploration of how brands grow, evolve, and co-create social change.

About Us
We are passionate about studying how brands enhance experiences, foster communities, support consumption journeys, and spread social change.
We balance a 30,000 foot perspective for understanding how value is created through markets and marketing with rich data and actionable strategic advice.
We invite you to collaborate with us as we develop important theories, uncover deep insights, and discover new ways to cocreate value with your customers!